An event that anticipates the latest trends and news
Transpotec Logitec will be focused on the profound transformation that the market is experiencing: connectivity, sustainability and innovation improve vehicle performance, safety and efficiency, while integrated logistics solutions and new intermodal logics profoundly change business scenarios and the skills required of professionals in the road transport.
Located in what is now considered the first national logistics hub and one of the main logistical hubs with European-world markets (Lombardy), Transpotec Logitec is an international exhibition with a particular focus on Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and the Balkans. and new interesting opportunities for road transport and logistics.
The format of the event, unique in Italy, is innovative and articulated: news and previews of vehicles, products, solutions, truck and light commercial test drives, business matching, conferences, training and moments of professional and playful aggregation of the reference community and gatherings of decorated.